Popular culture and the media tell us to „follow your heart“, and do what makes you happy but that is one of the biggest fallacies in the current world that we live in.
You should stop following your heart because;
“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9
You were not designed to chart your course in life. You were designed to walk with the Holy Spirit, who created you and planned the course of your life before He sent you to earth. It is not your responsibility to design your life. God wants to be your shepherd and lead you in righteousness (Psalm 23) because He is a good God and loves you.
The Bible states, “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” Jeremiah 10:23
Essentially, even if you think you are charting your course, you are not in control. You are either yielding to an evil spirit or your Creator. Don’t be deceived into thinking you are in control. It is far better to yield to the One who created you, for He loves you, has a purpose for you, and will give you lasting peace.
The enemy wants to destroy you and ultimately lead you to hell. So stop following your own heart. Sincerely ask Jesus to come into your life. Repent and return to Him if needed. Start reading your Bible and talking to Him every day. I promise your life will be transformed. Though you become a new creature as soon as you receive Jesus into your life, others will also see the change in you.
Jesus loves you very much. You have help in the person of the Holy Spirit. Never forget that you have been bought with a price.
With lots of love,
Your sister,
P.S. If you are blessed and would like to be part of what God is doing here, I’d like to invite you to register for the meditation challenge (August 1–31st, 2024) and Mind of Christ Conference (August 29th–31st, 2024).
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