HomeBlogHave you told someone?

Have you told someone?

Have you told someone …..
about Him?
about His loving kindness and tender mercies?
that His mercies never end?
about His goodness as Father?

Have you told someone…….
about His love?
about the love that made die on our behalf?
about the love that made Him serve our punishment?

Have you told someone…
about the reality of Heaven and Hell?
of life after death?
of the hope of life with God forever?

Have you told someone…….
of the power of the Holy Spirit?
of the One who helps us through life?
of the one who is able to help us raise children supernaturally?

Have you told someone……
of the One who gives us direction for daily living?
of His ability to heal all types physical and mental illnesses?
Have you told someone about Jesus today?

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  • September 6, 2024
  • Blog