HomeBlogHappy ressurection season and there is why you should care

Happy ressurection season and there is why you should care

Easter is basically about the burial, death and resurrection of King Jesus. He was the first man to die and resurrect after 3 days (Romans 6:9, Romans 8:34).

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Why is this important? Because before He died and was resurrected, people in this world pretty much lived hopeless lives. It was basically you live and die. And when you die, you don’t even know where you’d go or if you’d cease to exist but Jesus our lord, King and maker came to destroy the works of Satan! (1 John 3:8). This allows us to have hope of eternal peace after we exit our bodies.

This is therefore why we can fight against mental health struggles by the blood of Jesus. This is why we can have abundant life on this earth. King Jesus made a way.

So if you are still struggling with death in the form of mental illness, physical and emotional illnesses. Go to Jesus! He has won the victory already. You were not made to be a victim so refuse to be one. You were made to thrive, be healthy and eventually look like Jesus on this earth.

Don’t allow the kingdom of darkness to steal all the benefits of Jesus’s sacrifice. Stand up and fight. If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, this is a good place to ask Him into your life. Invite Him in your own words to walk through life with you and begin to read the Bible as His personal letter to you.

Jesus loves you very much and if you were the only one on this planet, He’d still have come. That’s how special you are to Him.

Have a wonderful easter season.

Lots of love, Favour

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