From my little experience in my walk with God and just living life, I have discovered that King Solomon was not lying when he said there is time for everything.
To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:Ecclesiastes 3:1( NKJV)
I have also learnt that figuring life by yourself is quite difficult.
When I was much younger, all I wanted was to do was to grow up.
Now I am older and I know that being a grown up without Jesus sucks.
Urghh! It sucks bad!
Trying to figure out what next to do after school, what job to take, who to marry….These are huge decisions and if taken wrongly could have devastating repercussions BUT there is good news.
Yes,you guessed right 🙂 Jesus can help you through life!
You do not have to go through it all by yourself.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 above tells of the fact that there is a time and season for everything and who better to tell you what time it is than the creator of time Himself.
God created you for a purpose and put you in a dimension with time and seasons, therefore you need to turn to Him for the answer to the question ” WHAT NEXT”?
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
.” Jeremiah 1:5a(NJKV)
 Although the above scripture was to Jeremiah, God is also telling you that before He formed you, He knew you!
He knows what is best for you. Please stop trying to figure out life for yourself.
Life as a grown up is already hard, don’t add the stress of trying to figure out what next to do or where next to go.
Allow Jesus to lead you.
You need to accept Him to be Lord and Personal Saviour to get His leading.
If you accept Him, He will come to you.
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. John 14:18 (NKJV)
He cannot lead you and help you fulfill your life’s purpose if you don’t know Him.
Knowing Him is important. He loves you like crazy and His arms are stretched to receive you.
There is nothing that you have done or will do that will push Him away from you.
Please receive Him today and allow Him.
God bless your spirit.
Favour 🙂