HomeBlog3 reasons why you should read your Bible meditatively

3 reasons why you should read your Bible meditatively

Are you in that place where you are just reading the Bible as a routine? Here is something to encourage you to read it intentionally. One way to do this is to read it aloud. why? Because as you read, it registers more in your mind. Hearing your voice means that you are hearing with your outer and inner ears. So here are three reasons why.

It will protect you from the temptation to sin. Jesus responded with “it is written” when he was tempted. You will get tempted to go back to your old ways, child of God. Will you fall like a pack of cards or respond with “it is written”? That’s the real spiritual warfare. It is warfare for your soul and if you succumb to one sin, others will not be difficult to sweep you off. No wonder the psalmist said “ Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You”- Psalm 119:11. The word will act as a barrier and shield if you honour it by reading and meditating on it.

The second reason is because you must guard your heart. It is your responsibility to guard your heart and mind. The way to your heart is through your mind. What you think eventually becomes strongholds. Your life will go where your heart goes. So you need God’s word implanted in your heart against the ideologies of this world and attempts of the wicked to enter your mind. Satan dominates people through thoughts and if you can adequately guard your heart with the word of God, your life will be secure. Remember that you must “ Cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” – 2 Corinthians 10:5

Lastly, meditatively read your Bible because you are building a worldview. God will speak to you first of all through His word, if you do not know His word, you can easily fall into errors. Many people do not know the word for themselves which is why they are very shallow Christians. They only know what their fathers in the faith teach them. You need to know and hear God for yourself first of all before you start interpreting visions. In doing this, you build a framework through which you view life. In the psychological world, it is called cognitive framing. Frame your life by the word of God. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” – John 14:26. It is what has been spoken through the word that will be brought to your remembrance in the day of war.

You are loved and have been bought with a price,

Your sister,


If you are blessed and would like to be part of what God is doing here, I’d like to invite you to register for the meditation challenge (August 1–31st, 2024) and Mind of Christ Conference (August 29th–31st, 2024) and don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list. 

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Tags: Bible Reading,Spiritual Growth,Faith and Practice, Christian Living, Spiritual Warfare, Guarding Your Heart, Meditation on Scripture, Christian Worldview, Biblical Encouragement, Bible Study Tips

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